An overview of ROLES participants based in Norway: Siddharth Sareen, Håvard Haarstad, Devyn Remme, Morten Ryen Loe, Katrina King, Helene Tråsavik, Katinka Wågsæther and Amber Nordholm.

Siddharth Sareen (Lead PI, ROLES)
Siddharth Sareen is an Associate Professor in Energy and Environment at the Department of Media and Social Sciences at the University of Stavanger. He conducts research on the governance of energy transitions at multiple scales. He holds a parallel appointment at the Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation and Department of Geography at the University of Bergen, where he leads the thematic priority area on just mobility transitions. He is a member of the Young Academy of Norway and in charge of a Researcher Project for Young Talents funded by the Research Council of Norway on the accountable governance of solar energy transitions. Siddharth leads the ROLES project and plays a coordinating function across the three country teams.

Håvard Haarstad
Håvard Haarstad is Professor of Human Geography at the University of Bergen. His main research focus is social change towards sustainability, particularly in relation to climate change. He is interested in how we can transform cities and urban life – both materially, socially and culturally, in order to meet the climate and sustainability challenges that face us. Håvard is the founding director for the Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation, an interdisciplinary research centre based at the Faculty of Social Science. Here he works, with good colleagues, to build an environment that stimulates high-level research and critical thinking, and creates ‘actionable knowledge’ – knowledge that is produced and communicated in ways that help shape society. He believes that rigorous research and critical thinking are essential contributions the university can make towards a better and more sustainable world. He is a board member of the Norwegian Board of Technology, an independent body for technology assessment appointed by the Norwegian Government.

Devyn Remme
Devyn Remme holds a transdisciplinary bachelor degree in sustainable development from the University of Bergen where she is currently based. She is writing a Masters thesis on urban mobility justice at the Department of Geography and works as a research assistant at the Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation on the ROLES project, with a focus on socially just urban mobility transitions in Bergen. She enjoys bridging intellectual worlds, for example presenting feminist philosphies of time and space at computer programmer conferences and presenting on the potentials of edge technologies at feminist conferences.

Morten Ryen Loe
Morten is a PhD candidate at the Department of Media and Social Sciences at the University of Stavanger, where he works in the field of Energy and Environment. He holds a bachelor’s degree in History and a master’s degree in ‘Energy, Environment and Society’ both from the University of Stavanger. Morten’s work is motivated by contributing to alleviating ‘real-world issues’ connected to climate change, by thinking holistically and relationally on the systems where change needs to be stimulated and producing policy-relevant knowledge. His master’s thesis focused on official Norwegian climate change discourses and policies, thus he is well acquainted with the Norwegian context.
Katrina King and Helene Tråsavik are interning with the ROLES project Norway team during 2022. They are both final-year students on the Master in Energy Environment and Society at the University of Stavanger.
Katinka Wågsæther and Amber Nordholm worked with the project during its start-up phase in 2020-2021.